Hungary boat crash: Search & Rescue Expert's view

2019-06-02 25

Let's try getting a better sense of the search and rescue operation in the Danube, the progress made by the search and rescue teams in Budapest, and what could be done to speed up operations there.
Joining me on the line is marine rescue expert, Captain Nicholas Sloane from Europe. He is a marine master with over 30 years of experience.
Captain Sloane, thanks for joining us.

It's been five days since the tragic collision and the subsequent sinking. There are talks of salvage operations to be carried out. The Korean search and rescue team that flew to Budapest are insisting giving another try on searching in the hull. If that fails, the multinational team will try pulling wreckage out later this week. Explain to us - what is the difference between searching down under the river and a salvage operation?

Based on your experience with Costa Concordia and others... how long do you think the salvage of the Mermaid will take and what will be some of the biggest challenges?

Based on your experience on the Danube, what's that waterway like? What do you think needs to be done to prevent and avoid future accidents like this?

Captain Nicholas Sloane, marine rescue expert of 30-plus years... many thanks for your insights today.