FM releases details on boat incident in Budapest that carried 33 Korean nationals

2019-05-30 4

외교부, 헝가리 유람선 사고 상황 설명, 사상자 확인

South Korea’s foreign ministry also worked against the clock to brief on the latest updates following the accident.
Now let’s connect to our Kim Ji-yeon for the latest official confirmations from the ministry.
Ji-yeon what are your hearing now?
I'm afraid there's little more to tell you since my earlier report some three hours ago.
South Korea's foreign ministry repeated again this evening that it's making all efforts to get support from hospitals near the site as well as consular support from Hungary... for a prompt and effective search and rescue.
The ministry has sent its condolences to the victims and their families... especially due to the fast-moving currents in the river after the bad weather on the night of the incident... which has hampered the operations there.
There are so far no confirmed additional survivors other than the seven initially announced -- also how they were rescued is still a mystery.
It says it has yet to officially identify the seven survivors, the seven victims, or the 19 missing Korean nationals.
Since they were not been able to identify them... it has yet to officially confirm their nationality.
Hungarian authorities have taken the bodies to a nearby university hospital for examination.
The ministry says it again confirmed that a total of 35 people were aboard the boat... among them 33 South Korean nationals... mostly tourists... the other two were crew members.
All seven of the survivors are Korean nationals.
So far the ministry says none of them are in critical condition... and three of them have already been released from the hospital. Another one is to be discharged today... but the ministry says it'll update us if their condition changes.
The ministry said the families of the passengers have all been in contact... and it has already contacted the Hungarian authorities for consular and equipment support.
Four officials from the foreign ministry left Seoul for Budapest earlier today at around 1PM, Korea time.
A second team including officials from the National Fire Agency, Coast Guard and the National Intelligence Agency will be dispatched tonight... and the remaining experts will leave for Budapest tomorrow.
All in all, a total of 37 officials and experts including the Korean Navy are currently planned to be sent to Budapest.
Korean officials from nearby countries will also arrive in Budapest to help with the search and rescue operations.
Questions are being raised about the cause of the boat capsizing and why the South Korean people heard about this through foreign media reports. Do we have more details on the first responders?
Well first of all the name of the boat, its size and so on are still not confirmed by Korea's foreign ministry,... which says right now that all efforts are focused on the rescue and search operation.
Right now, that's being spearheaded by the Hungarian national police agency chief... and vice-ministerial level officials are at the site supervising the