For no reason at all, the slightly limey transsexual centipede attac" />
For no reason at all, the slightly limey transsexual centipede attac"/>

InuYasha the Abridged Series Episode 2

2008-11-01 8

"The Plot Thickens"

For no reason at all, the slightly limey transsexual centipede attacks the village, calling out it's true purpose!

Meanwhile, Sean Connery Villager and Kaede get into a political debate during the fight of the century in the village, ignoring the destruction going on inside of their village!

Meanwhile, Kagome, being the complete useless heroine that she is, goes after the presumed dead body of the cosplayer, and for reasons he finds out himself, he awakens from his slumber!

Secretly, the main abridged series get enough of Tyler1337Admin's sh*t, and they launch cruise missiles at his house!

Hilarity ensues.


Famous Last Words -- My Chemical Romance
Sabre Dance -- Kachturian
U Can't Touch This! -- MC Hammer
(Let the Bodies Hit the Floor) Bodies -- Drowning Pool
10,000 Fists -- Disturbed