Shalom, This weeks guest on The Arts, Culture & Us is Elijah Mothershed of BottomLine Productions has recently returned from the West African country, Sierra Leone during a six month long onsite cultural investigative study and recording of the people's views as to the new post-war era of rebuilding. From 1991 to 2002 the Sierra Leone was locked in a horrific fratricidal war ended by the largest UN peacekeepers disarmament undertaking ever. The documentary, which is under construction by Mr. Mothershed, will highlight the new positive revitalization of a country torn to pieces behind the sale (trade) of guns for diamonds. In Hollywood they call it the Blood Diamond incident. We'll show about ten minutes of actual Africans speaking about the new attitudes and aspirations straight from the mouths and hearts of the Africans themselves; come back to Africa part 1. . The name of Elijah Mothersheds soon to be completed documentary is; "Rising From the Ashes of War: The Re-Branding of Sierra Leone" Blaze-Out!