Moon replaces three vice-ministerial level officials, as show of determination to speed up administration's reform drive

2019-05-28 9

문 대통령 차관급 인선,... 집권 3년차 국정동력 확보

President Moon Jae-in has replaced three of his vice-ministerial officials in what is viewed as a push to gain administrative momentum in running state affairs, entering his third year in office.
The shakeup includes a presidential secretary and the commissioner of the National Tax Service.
Arirang's chief political correspondent, Shin Se-min leading us off tonight.
President Moon Jae-in made more adjustments on the vice-ministerial level of his administration,... as a strong show of determination to reform and tighten discipline among government officials.
One of the three replacements announced Tuesday is a presidential secretary the first to be replaced in 140 days.
The president named Minister of Government Legislation Kim Oe-sook as the new senior secretary for personnel affairs, replacing Cho Hyun-ok.
Kim practiced labor and human rights law at an office established by the current president and late former President Roh Moo-hyun.
Outgoing Cho had come under fire over a series of disputed nominations for new minister positions who were later found to have breached moral principles eventually leading opposition party to call for her removal for lax personnel verification.
The president promoted the head of the National Tax Service of the Seoul regional office, Kim Hyun-jun to the commissioner post of the NTS.
Kim had served key positions within the state tax agency and is set to become the second NTS commissioner under the Moon administration once he gets parliamentary approval.
Considered one of five authority institutions,... a shakeup in the state tax agency can be seen as the administrations' willingness to accelerate reform drive within government organizations.
Moon also tapped Kim Hyung-yeon to succeed Kim Oe-sook and lead the legislation ministry.
Kim, who previously served as a High Court judge,... had been serving as presidential secretary for legal affairs.
Shin Se-min, Arirang News.

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