Spending 20 Minutes Outside Each Day Makes You Happier

2019-05-27 114

Spending 20 Minutes Outside
Each Day Makes You Happier A new study from the University of Alabama at
Birmingham has found that those who spend time
outdoors experience physical and mental benefits. Being outdoors for as little as 20 minutes provides
stress reduction and recovery from mental fatigue. A person’s level of physical activity outside
isn’t related to a higher improvement of well-being. This means that just simply sitting on a bench or
taking a leisurely stroll can improve your health. A separate study found that exposure to trees,
birdsong and the sky can provide a boost to
well-being, especially for those living in cities. People who live in cities are at an almost
40% higher risk of depression, with
environmental factors being a major influence. Dr. Andrea Mechelli, via
Kings College London