Raul Alfonsin habla en Cadena Nacional entrega del poder 1989

2019-05-25 7

Bs. As .: National chain address by President Raul Alfonsin where he expresses: - "I have given instructions to the respective authorities so that the mechanisms of consecration of the virtually elected candidate on May 14, 1989 for the shortest possible term the position of president of the Argentineans. Having concluded the procedures foreseen for that purpose, I have resolved to resign from June 30, 1989, the position of President of the Argentine Nation with which the people honored me since December 10, 1983. The hope that speculative explanations will not be tried on this decision is the strict exercise of the political responsibility of putting the welfare of the country before any other consideration, and beyond this, my personal decision that I am communicating to you, it is clear to me that the president, only the visible face of a group of men and women who assume with him the serious responsibility of guiding the destinies of The country without participating in the honor of presidential band wear or aspire to public recognition. To all of them my deepest gratitude goes today and in particular to the Vice President of the Nation who has not hesitated to accompany me in the determination that now requires. I can not imagine what words would express my gratitude towards the Argentine people who have faced the effort, responsibility and prominence demanded in these years by the construction of democracy and social stability, that is the limit in my speech. I resign my presidential envestidura but I do not decline my responsibility nor abandon the struggle that from now on will continue in any place in which this and until so much God forces me for it in pursuit of the objectives that so many times since 1983 I reminded you to constitute the national union, strengthen justice, consolidate inner peace, provide for common defense, promote the general welfare and ensure the benefits of freedom for us, for our posterity and for all the men of the world who want to inhabit the Argentine soil.
Date: 6/13/1989
Duration: 3 minutes 22 seconds
Code: UG-2193

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