Python caught in ceiling of family home trying to eat pet cat

2019-05-25 112

A 16ft long python was caught inside a living room ceiling after trying to eat a family's pet cat.

Duangdao Oamsangchalerm, 48, heard the terrified moggy crying inside her home in Bangkok, Thailand, on May 10, 2019.

She went into the room and was stunned to see the python dangling from the roof as the white cat cowered below attempting to defend itself.

Duangdao called her cat away and rang the emergency services who spent an hour catching the reptile.

They had to smash a hole in the plasterboard ceiling to grab the python can drag it away.

Traumatised Duangdao said: ''I feel sick. I've never seen a snake that big before. It was living in my house and I did not know. I will have nightmares thinking about it.''

The python was successfully caught and taken away to be released into its natural habitat.

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