S. Korea to discuss N. Korea aid plans with int'l agencies

2019-05-23 4

'800만 달러 공여' 국제기구와 협의 착수... 통일부 "가급적 빨리 진행"

South Korea will push to deliver 8 million U.S. dollars to UN agencies as soon as possible... so they can provide humanitarian assistance to Pyeongyang.
According to the nation's unification ministry, discussions will be held with UNICEF and WFP based on the aid plans they have, which are not submitted yet.
Normally it takes three to six months to purchase supplies after aid approval.
The items to be sent to the North hasn't been determined, but rice is not likely to be on the list.
After the plan finalized, Seoul will go through a budget review... and a voting process at an inter-Korean exchange promotion council.