U.S. considers blacklisting Chinese video surveillance firm Hikvision: NY Times

2019-05-22 13

미국, 중국 감시통제산업으로 기술견제 확대...주미 중국대사 "미국과 추가 무역협상 준비돼"

The U.S. is reportedly considering limiting a Chinese video surveillance firm' ability to buy American technology.
But, the Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. says Beijing is willing to resume trade talks with Washington.
Yoon Jung-min reports.
According to the New York Times, the U.S. is considering blacklisting Chinese video surveillance firm Hikvision to limit the company's ability to buy from American firms.
To sell components to companies on the blacklist, U.S. businesses have to get government approval.
Hikvision supplies audiovisual equipment often used in China to monitor the public, most notoriously Muslims in the western region of Xinjiang. Lawmakers in the U.S. have been calling for tighter controls on exports to Chinese surveillance companies, saying they might use American products to violate people's rights.
China has said that its surveillance is meant to protect people from Islamist militants.
The possible blacklisting of Hikvision is in line with U.S. moves to keep Chinese information technology in check due to growing concerns about security, such as the recent blacklisting of Huawei.
Meanwhile, in an interview with Fox News, the Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. said Beijing is still open to talks and that the door is still open.
But he also said the U.S. keeps changing its mind and that it had abruptly backed away from some previous deals tentatively reached over the past year.
Yoon Jung-min, Arirang News.