U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has revealed it's "quite possible" Iran was responsible for recent security incidents in the Middle East as he prepared to brief Congress on the rising tensions. Pompeo cautioned that the U.S. has not made "a definitive

2019-05-22 101

The U.S. Air Force F-22 fighter jets have intercepted four Russian bombers and two Su-35 fighter jets off the coast of Alaska.
The North American Aerospace Defense Command says the Russian nuclear capable long-range bombers flew into the Air Defense Identification Zone,... which extends over three-hundred kilometers off Alaska's western coast.
According to CNN,... U.S. military officials view the Russian bomber flights as part of Moscow's training to boost its military's capability to respond to a potential crisis while sending a message of strength to its adversaries at the same time.
To this,... Russia's defense ministry said its strategic missile carriers were performing planned flight training.