Side Hustle Meaning and Why It Could be a Bad Idea!

2019-05-20 0

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Hey, today I want to talk about a side hustle meaning, and why it could be a bad idea believe it or not.

Chances are you have bills to pay. Some people have higher bills than others and to pay those bills usually we have a job and most people don't like their job. They go to it to pay their rent, food and expenses.

A side hustle is a way for someone like you and I to make money when we are not going to our job. This can be a good thing, because nowadays job security doesn't exist as much.

I used to work at a restaurant and due to politics I got fired without 1 complaint. You just never know and it's not your employers job to take care of you.

It's your job. Everything that happens that is wrong in my life I blame myself. Extra money coming it can be a positive thing, when you think of the word hustle, what comes to your mind? Probably working right? It could be manually doing something, it's hard work.

I truly believe this, but hard work can either be good or bad. Here is an example, picture a plane crashing in the jungle and everyone gets out and starts chopping away at the wilderness to find civilization.

One guy doesn't do any work. The next day he climbs a tree and yells, you guys are going the wrong way. You should be going the other way. He worked much less than everyone else, but was way more productive.

Sure we all have to work for what we want, but there are easier ways to do things. Recently I just finished reading a book by Charlie Munger, who is the partner of Warren Buffett.

Do you think Warren Buffett works really hard? Probably not right? The most powerful thing that Charlie said in his book, that I took away is that the money is not in the buying or selling of a stock, it's in the waiting.

Waiting is not hustling. Sure he is talking about the stock market – but you can apply it to many areas of your life and what comes to my mind is internet domains for example.

Just yesterday I watched a pitch on an education product for flipping domains, which I've tried before. As you can imagine you usually don't make much money flipping a domain or auctioning it off.

There is a lot more money in waiting and getting the end user not another investor that wants to buy it as cheaply as they can. This is just another example that there might be more money in waiting then working as hard as you can.

With Charlie Munger he never wants to sale his stocks, he is not a day trader.

Another way to look at this is the saying if I had to chop down a tree, I would spend 90% of the time sharpening my axe and 10% cutting.

Yes, of course at times we have to work hard, but sometimes doing nothing is the most productive thing to do. When you go to the gym and workout, the rest part is just as productive as the gym part.

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