Tik Tok China Daily Trending Videos 20190520 抖音每日热门视频

2019-05-20 28

Tik Tok China Daily Trending Videos Collection Today 20190520 今日抖音每日热门视频合集

Oh...woman...@curious college(呵…女人……@好奇学院) - 钟婷xo

#我要好看☺ La la la la. The eyes are really small.(#我要变好看☺ 啦啦啦。眼睛真小。) - 摩登兄弟

520 how to properly spread dog food, I will show you #520 dog food challenge(520如何正确得体地撒狗粮,我给你们演示一下#520撒狗粮挑战) - 孟非

520 must not miss the creative couple selfie! Full of sweet ~ #撒一超超甜狗粮#秀恩爱@摇音小助手(520绝对不能错过的创意情侣自拍!满满的甜蜜~#撒一把超甜狗粮 #秀恩爱@抖音小助手) - Hello胡馨宇

#疑疑 This road can give me a scorpion tired, hahahahahahahahahahahaha@shaking small assistant too passionate(#质疑 这一道啊可给我嗓子累完了哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈@抖音小助手 太热情) - 陈泽旭

This is the rose petals you are familiar with! @老圈C @于梓贝 @嘉茵Ariel @Rita黄汐源 #玫瑰花片片片(这就是你们熟悉的玫瑰花瓣!@老圈C @于梓贝 @嘉茵Ariel @Rita黄汐源 #玫瑰花瓣一片一片片) - 郭正正

520, I cried a lot... #520 confession season(520,我大哭了一场……#520告白季) - 王祖蓝

Straight male boyfriend gave me 520 gifts, I still can't let me laugh, saying that after this little surprise, more is to be reserved, hahahaha(直男男友送给我520礼物,还不准我笑,说这种小惊喜以后多的是,要矜持,哈哈哈哈) - 老强

Rounded my photo dreams with Mommy! #亲子亲子照(圆了我和妈咪的拍照梦!#亲子亲子照) - ℡蓉

The song sung by friends directly smashed me... #你的酒吧酒吧打了烊(朋友唱的歌 直接把我懵了...#你的酒馆酒馆打了烊) - 暖谨(双国服吕布)

So, happy holidays, hahaha(所以,节日快乐哈哈哈✨) - 费启鸣

Braised pork is authentic, so don't use a drop of water and a drop of soy sauce. Many people do the wrong thing in the first step, the color is bright red #美食@摇音小助手(红烧肉这样做才正宗,不用一滴水一滴酱油,很多人第一步就做错了,颜色红亮 #美食 @抖音小助手 ) - 最美家常菜

Wayward, naughty! @摇音小助手#许君聪(任性,顽皮!@抖音小助手 #许君聪) - 许君聪

An sister.. high-end... hide and seek... the second.....(安姐..高端...捉迷藏...第二部.....) - 陈赫

Did you hear that this story is lost? Anyway, I cried! Crying like a 60-year-old grandfather @振音小助手(听到这个故事迷路了吗!反正我哭了!哭的像个60岁的老大爷@抖音小助手) - 唐人小哥

#corgi #柯基#小短腿(#corgi #柯基 #小短腿) - HC

Plain and faint(平平淡淡是真) - 在下铁头阿彪

I hope someone will treat you as you have, petting you into the bones, hurting you in every possible way, and never worrying about your life. #520, Who is in the "confession"? #emotion(愿有人待你如初,宠你入骨,疼你无微不至,从此一生无忧 。 #520,是谁在“表白”? #情感 ) - 量体裁衣铺

You are good for it. You can't find your own reasons! @摇音小助手 @马叶雨(你就好好处 处不好自己找原因!@抖音小助手 @马叶雨) - 青云❤️❤️❤️❤️

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