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Abe wants to talk with N. Korean leader, but says no prospect of a meeting yet

2019-05-20 6

아베 "조건 없이 김정은 만나고 싶지만…아직 전망이 안 선다"

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe once again expressed hopes of talking with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
He was speaking at a covention in Tokyo on Sunday on the issue of the regime's abduction of Japanese nationals decades ago.
Abe told the affected families that he wants to have a frank, open minded talk with Kim, without conditions.
He also promised to resolve the issue during his term, adding President Donald Trump will meet with the families during his visit to Japan this weekend.
The PM did note that a meeting Kim will take time, but stressed that he is determined to engage directly with the communist state's leader to break what he called the shell of mutual distrust between Tokyo and Pyeongyang.