Bugatti at Mille Miglia 2019 - Day 3

2019-05-20 1

The collectibles head north through Tuscany, Mediterranean towns and landscapes: from Radicofani to Siena and Mentecatini until they finally reach Bologna, and the journey is almost over for Christian Mastro, board member for sales, marketing and customer service at Bugatti , this is a very special stage.
"We are a long way from home in Molsheim, yet so close to an important part of our brand history," explains Christian Mastro. "Here in the Emilia-Romagna region, in Campogalliano, in 1987, Romano Artioli brought the brand back to life with the construction of the legendary EB110, before Bugatti returned home to Molsheim at the end of the century. At the same time, this is the region in which I grew up, my home, which makes this stage of the Mille Miglia so special for me.