Tik Tok China Daily Trending Videos 20190517 抖音每日热门视频

2019-05-17 6

Tik Tok China Daily Trending Videos Collection Today 20190517 今日抖音每日热门视频合集

There are famous songs in both China and foreign countries. The reason why national music resonates is because we love this land. She is our root. @北京山水民乐艺术团 @青年笛子艺术/仲辉乐(中外都有名曲,民族音乐之所以引起共鸣,那是因为我们热爱的这片土地,她是我们的根 @北京山水民乐艺术团 @青年笛子艺术家/仲辉乐 ) - 二哥

Daily skin(每日一皮) - 邢菲

#我要好好☺(#我要变好看☺) - 陳哇噻

The best can't give you, because you are my best. (最好的给不了你了,因为你就是我最好的。) - 沈佳昕baby

I have been protected since I have been with you. Is this the feeling of being protected? ? ?嘤嘤嘤(自从有了拉斯我一直被保护着这就是被人保护的感觉嘛???嘤嘤嘤) - 赵拉斯的二狗

You are still tender(你还嫩了点) - A、情话

Finished, finished... Why do you always want to start with me?(完了,完了...生活为什么总要对我下手啊?) - 酷酷的皮

This is a premeditated one-year kick.(这是预谋了一年的一脚) - 我呵爷开心就好

The baby is too funny with this special effect.(小宝宝用这个特效太搞笑了) - 小桃子麻麻

What a lovely kid! I want a daughter later @抖音小助手@చ꯭打꯭⃧野꯭⃧父꯭⃧ relatives(多可爱的小孩啊!以后要个女儿@抖音小助手 @చ꯭打꯭⃧野꯭⃧父꯭⃧亲꯭⃧) - 带着风的小蘑菇c

I thought I found shredded pork. The result is @罗志祥 Although it is very handsome, it can't replace the shredded pork.(以为找到肉丝了,结果是 @罗志祥 虽然很帅,却代替不了肉丝) - 演员-芮丹尼

You saw your bear brother lying down on the ground and deliberately falling down.(你是看见你熊哥在地上躺着才故意掉下去是吧) - Goddess

Have you forgotten the identity of my soul dancer?(你们是不是忘了,我灵魂舞者的身份了。) - 张国伟_国家伟大

Be your wife, Mrs. Wu, the best match with you.(做你的吴太太❤️ #和你一起最般配) - 卓子

It’s terrible for girls to be friends! ! Be sure to see the last,(女生交友不慎太可怕了!!一定要看到最后,,) - 阿逗逗啊

Colleagues chatting, I want to secretly record the vibrato... I ended up not recording them and staring at me, then I was still cheeky and recorded. @振音小助手(同事聊天我想偷偷录段抖音…结果我一录他们都不说话盯着我看,然后我还是厚着脸皮录完了♀️@抖音小助手) - 八爷是个好姑娘

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