Crime little boy 7 years in Florencio Varela - Buenos Aires 1980

2019-05-16 28

Bs. As .: Report where journalist Leo Gleizer comments: - "Saturday morning Pinky, we walk approximately 2 kilometers through this rather inhospitable field, we are in the area of ​​Florencio Varela, in the boundary, on the boundary between Florencio Varela and Claypole, we could say, this is the exact place where Diego Marcelo Ramirez, a 7-year-old little boy, was found a few days ago, and we returned to the place this weekend because of the version that the authors of this event They have been identified but due to police secrecy we have not been able to verify this until now. What we do know concretely is that Florencio Varela's police, like the Claypole police, are actively working to clarify this that we no longer doubt is a homicide as well as other crimes of nature, questioning the inhabitants of these hamlets that can be seen, at this time the camera is showing them. We reiterate, within a very short time it will be successful so the people of the area can continue living and working without any kind of fears ". Report to a neighbor in the area, in which he is asked: - You practically was one of the people who found the corpse? - Was the little boy beaten? -And what other symptoms did he have? - Is it common for this type of events to happen here in the area? -And private crimes have been committed here in the area? (Leo Gleizer / Magnetic / Color)
Detail: Note for the Pinky program and the news.
Date: 10/27/1980
Duration: 2 minutes 56 seconds
Film code: B-02338

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