Sleep is obviously central to our state of play the next day. But there might be more subliminal factors affecting your capacity to stay awake. If you're feeling inexplicably tired, consider some of the following factors which could be making you drowsy 1. You're just not drinking enough Water primarily, but any liquid source which keeps you hydrated should never be too far out of reach 2. You're lacking vital nutrients and sources of energy This could be a mix of too much junk food and not enough healthy minerals like iron or protein 3. You're disorganised or messy Whether at work, at home or both, a messy environment makes it harder to concentrate and saturates and exhausts our eyes 4. You're skipping exercise routines and not moving enough Staying idle for too long will slow us down in the long term, have long term impacts on our ability to co-ordinate a sleeping pattern and often you'll feel tired at random times from doing nothing in particular 5. You're a workaholic Skipping breaks or working overtime will often leave you unable to find a work-life balance which includes suitable relaxation time; a crucial element to combatting fatigue