Lazy dog refuses to move from the middle of the road and has to be carried away

2019-05-14 118

This is the hilarious moment a lazy dog took a nap in the middle of the road and refused to move for an approaching car.

The brown Aspin named Aofsie was basking in the midday sun when a car approached in Hat Yai city, southern Thailand on May 12.

She lazily lifted her head up to see the approaching vehicle then went back to sleep. Aofsie still refused to move even when the driver leaned out the side window and told her to leave several times.

A female passenger left the car to try to wake her but stopped when Bas Ronnapoom, an officer at the foundation, came walking out of the building and poked the drowsy dog with his foot.

Footage shows how the brown pooch, which did not seem to aware of her troublesome behaviour, started wagging her tail to greet the man, who continued poking and trying to carry her away from the path.

But stubborn Aofsie only slightly changed her sleeping position and insisted on staying. Bas then asked for another guy in the building to help him.

The road was finally cleared after Bas’s colleague wearing a red shirt came in to lift her four legs up and dropped her on the sideway.

Speaking after, Bas, 25, said that Aofsie was a smart and friendly dog which loves to spend her lazy afternoon lying in the sun.

The rescue officer said: ''She’s a smart girl and everyone here loves playing with her. When the street was quiet, she often came to sleep in front of the entrance.

''Normally, she would get up right away anytime we told her to but I guess she was just too lazy to move that day.''

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