TikTok China Daily Trending Videos 20190509 抖音每日热门视频

2019-05-10 16

TikTok China Daily Trending Videos Collection Today 20190509 今日抖音每日热门视频合集

The morning of the country is still the way of childhood #田园犬(乡村的早晨 还是小时候的样子#田园犬) - 被时光遗忘的地方
The difference between love one month and one year(恋爱一个月和一年的区别) - 多余和毛毛姐
When I was a child, I was forced to sleep at noon. Now I am forced to get up.(小时候是被迫睡中午觉 现在是被迫起床) - super老陈
I heard that the second time can be awkward, happy little feet(听说第二遍能,欢快的小脚丫) - GARY
Have you guessed this "deep" truth? #情感@摇音小助手(这个“深刻”的道理,你猜到了吗?#情感 @抖音小助手) - 一禅小和尚
Please come out with your friends. #闺蜜#朋友(请诶特出你的同款朋友 #闺蜜 #朋友) - 熊小狗
It’s a self-abuse challenge, laughing at me.(纯属自我自虐挑战,笑死我了) - Lily
Family conditions are limited! Make yourself a flower cylinder! Ask God to evaluate(家庭条件有限啊!自己做个拉花缸!求大神评价) - @咖啡孟老师
I really like to learn the voice of tvb. How come this way! ! If the imitation is not good, don’t spray it, just tell me if I have some familiar ears. Hahaha(就 很喜欢学tvb的配音 怎么这么上头啊!!模仿的不好也勿喷,就告诉我有没有一些耳熟就好哈哈哈) - 李蠕蠕
Draw a ballet skirt for her.(为她画一件芭蕾裙吧) - 艺术家了没
The holiday is over! What happened to eating potato chips!(假期都要结束了!吃点薯片怎么了!) - 纠缠兄弟
Is there a sun in my heart... @摇音小助手#暖男先生(难道心中有个太阳…@抖音小助手 #暖男先生) - 暖男先生
Family status makes me feel desperate. @郭压高(家庭地位让我感到很绝望。@郭压高) - 高压郭
Late at night, who do you most want to say good night, every good night, you will worry about whether there will be tomorrow ~ "Good night"(夜深了,你们最想和谁说晚安,每一次的晚安,都会担心会不会有明天~《晚安》) - 王泽科
The first time I took the upper and lower episodes... @摇音小助手#暖男先生(第一次拍上下集...@抖音小助手 #暖男先生) - 暖男先生
Who sent you to me? @雅吱妹(是谁送你来到我身边?@雅吱妹) - 辛德瑞拉熊熊熊
You have an uncertain tomorrow and a future that you don't know # Thank you for vibrating(你有一个不确定的明天和一个不知道的未来#感谢抖音) - Usnot小曾
When I salute the teacher, I found that my daughter is like a little angel.(给老师敬礼的一刹那,发现女儿真像一个小天使) - 柒月爸比
Why do you want to take Xiaoha away when you leave home?(离家出走为什么要把小哈一起带走?) - 凯撒
#漫威#复联超能力 You want, Star Jue makeup ~ Marvel series finish countdown ~(#漫威 #复联超能力 你们要的,星爵仿妆~漫威系列完结倒计时~) - 花花fiore
() - 罗志祥

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