Korean parents' prefer receiving practical gifts on Parents' Day

2019-05-08 9

한국의 어버이날... 다른 나라와 다른 '효도 문화', 가장 인기 있는 선물은 뷰티, 건강식품과 가전가구

Today, May 8th, is Parents' Day in Korea.
Traditionally children would give their parents carnations as a token of respect and gratitude.
But it seems that gesture is less popular that it used to be.
What more parents want now... is something practical.
Oh Soo-young reports.
It seems flowers and cake no longer cut it as go-to gifts for Parents' Day.
According to various media platforms,... flowers and cake were rated as "generic" and "impractical" by most parents,... who also said they'd rather not receive smartphones or other smart gadgets.
Unlike Western culture, which celebrates Mother's and Father's Days separately,... Korea has observed a special day for all parents since 1973.
It's a day for "hyodo," which means treating your parents with respect and devotion.
This is an age-old societal principle based on the country's family-centered Confucianism culture.
Carnations were the traditional present for Parents' Day but in recent years, there's been a growing preference for practical options rather than symbolic ones.
The most popular Parents' Day gifts on Naver include massage chairs, smaller massage devices,... as well as health supplements and beauty products.
Cash, of course, also remains a popular option.
One interesting "gift" this year,... is going on a blind date.
"As more and more young people are staying single and foregoing marriage these days,... it seems some of them are offering to go on blind dates to make their parents' happy. That's a new "gift option" we've seen this year.
Regardless of what's inside the wrapping paper,... it's clear a gift still has to come from the heart.
A heartfelt letter or a phone call were high up on the wish list.
Quality time together,... such as dining out or watching a movie,... is also becoming more popular.
Oh Soo-young, Arirang News.