Bernie Sanders Is Running Against Corporate Media

2019-05-07 0

Bernie Sanders told audiences at a Sunday campaign event that he would not concern himself with attacking Hillary Clinton on the recent details of her email scandal. Sanders specifically called out one reported who, he said, was trying to bait him into going after the Democratic frontrunner.

The off-camera reporter asked Sanders to explain himself based on what he said in an earlier speech about differentiating himself from Clinton over issues like campaign finance and the Iraq War. To this, Sanders said that criticizing Clinton was becoming a favorite sport of “corporate media,” in lieu of covering what the Vermont-based senator thought were more important issues.

“The reason this campaign is doing well is because we’re talking about the issues that impact the American people,” Sanders said. “I’ve known Hillary Clinton for 25 years. I like her, I respect her. I disagree with her on a number of issues.”

“The issue I want to be talking about is the collapse of the American middle class,” he continued, challenging reporters to write on that. “I am not going to get into the game of sitting around and criticizing Hillary Clinton.”

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