Full version Physical Examination and Health Assessment, 7e Best Sellers Rank : #1

2019-05-07 0

With an easy-to-read approach and unmatched learning support, Physical Examination & Health Assessment, 6th Edition offers a clear, logical, and holistic approach to physical exam across the lifespan. Detailed illustrations, summary checklists, and new learning resources ensure that you learn all the skills you need to know. This gold standard in physical exam reflects what is going on in nursing today with coverage of emerging trends and new evidence-based content., It s easy to see why this text is, far and away, #1 in this market!A clear, logical, and streamlined approach simplifies content and helps you learn to perform the complete health assessment: The conversational, easy-to-understand writing style makes learning easier. A two-column format distinguishes normal findings from abnormal findings, and uses step-by-step photos to clarify examination techniques and expected findings. 1,200 full-color illustrations present anatomy and physiology, examination techniques, and abnormal findings., Abnormal findings tables include more than 300 pathophysiology photos to help in recognizing, sorting, and describing abnormalities. Comprehensive coverage reflects the realities of today s nursing practice: NEW content on the Electronic Health Record, charting, and narrative recording provides examples of how to document assessment findings. 150 NEW normal and abnormal examination photos for the nose, mouth, throat, thorax, and pediatric assessment show findings that are unexpected or that require referral for follow-up care, with cultural diversity and developmental variations., UPDATED evidence-based practice content is highlighted and reflects a focus on conducting the most effective, accurate examinations. UPDATED case studies provide opportunities to apply your knowledge and develop your analytical skills. Checklists for use in RN-to-BSN completion programs provide a refresher for seasoned nurses returning to the classroom., A holistic approach to assessment ac