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3 Best Game of Thrones Season 8 Fan Theories - "Dracarys - Light Them Up! "

2019-05-06 13

3 Best Game of Thrones Season 8 Fan Theories- Dracarys - "Light Them Up! "

The most pivotal moment from the Game of Thrones preview trailer, however, falls in the final seconds.

Euron and a dozen or so of his men are in the bay right outside King’s Landing.

The Greyjoy man is staring into the sky when panic suddenly hits his face.

In this distance, Drogon’s roar can be heard, suggesting Daenerys is likely to strike on his fleet or even directly at King's Landing.

Whether this means Daenerys will regain control in the battle against Cersei by killing one of her closest allies is yet to be seen.

However, multiple scenarios have appeared after episode 4. To begin with, during episode 4, Rhaegal, one of Daenerys Targaryen’s last remaining dragons was hit by two arrows of the giant crossbows atop Euron's ships that Qyburn designed to kill dragons. But is Rhaegal actually dead? Could there be any other dragons, and if so where did they come from? Can Daenerys be using another type of attack that makes her Dragon(s) invulnerable to these humongous arrows?

So, what are the most probable scenarios for Euron's fear?

1st Scenario: Rhaegal was resurrected and he is attacking King’s Landing together with Drogon! But this does not mean they won't be hurt or even worse they won't be killed. However, they may have found some kind of armor or they may attack from a very high altitude using something like Wildfire!

2nd Scenario: Many Dragon attack King’s Landing! Many suggest that a few dragons exist in the Shadowlands and beyond! Bran's first vision when he was in a coma was a literal one without any symbolism, and it showed dragons near Asshai! Furthermore, the World of Ice and Fire makes it reasonable to believe that ice dragons do exist. Additionally, sea dragons are another possibility. There is a wealth of information in the series proper and The World of Ice and Fire regarding various water-based human races/species. Who's to say they didn't have dragons of their own?

3rd Scenario: Finally we have the Firewyrms. They most certainly existed before the Doom, and they might still exist in the current timeline. Stone dragons were also repeatedly mentioned by Melisandre. Regarding Firewyrms there was the kindly man's description to Arya:

"Some say they are akin to dragons, for wyrms breathe fire too. Instead of soaring through the sky, they bore through stone and soil. If the old tales can be believed, there were wyrms amongst the Fourteen Flames even before the dragons came. The young ones are no larger than that skinny arm of yours, but they can grow to monstrous size and have no love for men."

If someone asks who will control these creatures, then the answer is rather easy: Bran! How many Dragons or Firewyrms can Euron's and Cersei' crossbows face?

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