Bikram Yoga Hot Yoga – Learn chakrasana backward roll, Ashtanga-yoga style transition from lying on your back to downdog/vinyasa.
ASHTANGA YOGA: Chakrasana Yoga Pose
1. Lie on your back
2. Place your hands underneath your should
3. Roll your feet over your head and touch your toes
4. On the 3rd roll, push hard into you hands and roll up
1. Move slowly
2. Do NOT roll to one side (go straight over)
3. Relax your neck and don’t force anything
The idea is to move smoothly from yoga poses where you end up on your back and return to a vinyasa position to continue a smooth flow through your practice. Yoga exercises will help with your flexibility in Chakrasana, but really you just need to practice this movement.
Ashtanga Yoga: Jump Backs Ashtanga Yoga Exercises