How to Embed your Website on your Videos ?

2008-10-27 1

Here's A Quick & Easy 1-2-3 Step-By-Step 'Cheat-Sheet'
For 'How to embed website to videos' Based On The Video Above:

1. Open windows movie maker to embed a your website title to your videos.
- Go to start then all programs
- Go to Accessories then find windows movie maker.
2. Import the video where you want to embed the website.
- Go to Import Video from the task bar.
- Browse the computer for the video then double click the video.
3. Drag the video down to your story board.
4. To put a website title on the video
- Click on Make Title or Credits
- Click on Title on The Selected Clip.
- Type your website URL.
- Fixed the font by clicking on Change title and animation or Change the text font and Color link
- Click on Done

5. On title Overlay, drag the title to the end of the video to have the website URL all throughout the entire video.
6. To save the movie
- Click on Finish Movie then save to my computer.
- Type in the file name then click next button.
- Change the setting by hitting See More Choices.
-Click on other settings and scroll down on 512 kbps - the best site to render the video in.
7. Click next and the video will be saved.
8. Lastly click on Finish!

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