US Unemployment Falls to Lowest Mark Since 1969

2019-05-03 1,338

US Unemployment Falls to Lowest Mark Since 1969 According to new figures
from the Labor Department,
the rate is now at 3.6%. The department adds that the economy
added 263,000 jobs last month. These numbers beat April estimates that expected a 3.8% rate and 190,000 roles. According to 'The Wall Street Journal,' construction and health care industries led the charge in added jobs. The report adds that in April, the rate of people looking for full-time positions but are working part-time is at 7.3%. Analysts say the numbers are partly due to the
U.S. labor force falling by half a million last month. This is in connection to the steady rate of people giving up on looking for work. But economists say employers are
having a hard time finding qualified employees.