#backyardtoytreasures, #treasure, #piratebarrrtandthetreasurechest
Ben, Noah and Eli receive a letter from Pirate Barrrt about a hidden treasure in their yard. He instructs them not to go looking for it, but will they listen? What will Pirate Barrrt do if they find it? Will they need to call Livy, Elise and Addie for help? Watch to see what happens!
Music credits:
Tiptoe Out the Back by Dan Lebowitz
Cha Cappella by Jimmy Fontanez/Media Right Productions
Locally Sourced by Jason Farnham
Mr. Sunny Face by Wayne Jones
Affiliate links:
We would love to hear from you!!!
Email: backyardtoytreasures@gmail.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/backyardtoytreasures/
Twitter: @ByToyTreasures / https://twitter.com/ByToyTreasures
#backyardtoytreasures, #treasures, #piratebarrrt, #bennoaheli, #gotbarrrt, #treasure, #franklinthecat, #livyelise, #franklinthepiratecat, #pirate, #barrrt, #chest, #part, #piratebarrrtandthetreasurechest, #1, #arrr, #ben, #noah, #eli, #livy, #elise, #addie, #backyard, #toy, #dailymotion, #dailymotion, #3, #1, #backyarrrd