Nations including U.S. send support for opposition seeking to overthrow Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro

2019-05-01 11

Amid the continued uprising in Venezuela to overthrow the incumbent socialist leader,... countries around the world are throwing their full support behind the moves to unseat him so Venezuelans get to a degree of normality.
Kim Hyo-sun explains. The U.S. has expressed support for the ongoing military uprising in Venezuela aimed at ousting President Nicolas Maduro.
Tweeting that Washington stands with the people of Venezuela and their freedom,... President Trump added he's watching developments very closely.
U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton explained that the Trump administration seeks a peaceful transfer of power,... but stressed that all options are on the table.

"We want as out principal objective the peaceful transfer of power. But I will say again, as the president has said from the outset, and that Nicolas Maduro and those supporting him, particularly those who are not Venezuelan, should know is all options are on the table."
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also took to Twitter saying the interim President Juan Guaido has announced the beginning of "Operation Libertad,"... and the U.S. government fully supports the Venezuelan people in their quest for freedom and democracy.
Meanwhile,... UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has called for maximum restraint to avoid violence and immediate steps to restore calm.
He also explained he's willing to mediate if both sides request help.
European countries also urged restraint in the South American country,... calling for new elections as a way to settle the political crisis.
In a statement Tuesday,... the European Union said it rejects any form of violence and would continue to push for free and fair elections.
Brazil's right-wing government threw its support behind the uprising,... and called on other nations to do the same.
The Brazilian President tweeted that the people of Venezuela are (quote) "enslaved by a dictator,"... and sent support for the freedom of the country to become a true democracy.
KimHyo-sun, Arirang News.

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