미세먼지 해법 찾는 국가기후환경회의 오늘 출범…반기문 위원장
The government officially launched a high-level council to come up with policies to combat the fine dust pollution plaguing Korea.
Our Kim Mok-yeon was at the inauguration ceremony.
The inauguration ceremony of the National Council on Climate and Air Quality kicked off at the Korea Press Center in central Seoul on Monday.
Under the leadership of former UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon,.. the council comprises more than 40 members including politicians and industry experts.
During his opening remarks, Ban vowed to devote the rest of his life to resolving the fine dust problem. He also pledged to focus on coming up with step by step countermeasures to tackle fine dust which is especially serious in Korea from December to May.
"We will first focus on effective short term policies to reduce fine dust during this time of the year.
In the long term, we will work comprehensively in various sectors to dig for meaningful accomplishments, because the fine dust problem is closely linked with transportation, manufacturing, energy and other industries."
By May, the state council seeks to gather a group of citizen representatives to hold an open debate to listen to public opinion on possible solutions to the issue.
It will then hold several polls and town hall meetings with experts to hand over its final policy proposal to the government by next year.
To fully eradicate the fundamental cause of the fine dust problem, the council also plans to seek cooperation with China and other northeast Asian countries that are suffering from similar conditions.
Some 100 people attended the ceremony including Presidential Chief of Staff Noh Young-min, Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon and Environment Minister Cho Myung-rae.
Noh, who spoke on behalf of President Moon, said that the Blue House will strongly support the council's activities and openly look into its proposals.
"The Blue House trusts that the council will do its best.
We hope that the council will work with strong determination to create policies that the public can feel and sympathize on.
The presidential office will actively reflect the council's findings to the nation's policies."
Though the fine dust issue certainly won't be fixed overnight, the council vows to do whatever it can to bring back a clean environment where citizens can breathe freely once again.
Kim Mok-yeon, Arirang News.