Mark Ruffalo Forgot He Starred With Brie Larson in '13 Going on 30'

2019-04-25 3

Mark Ruffalo Forgot He
Starred With Brie Larson
in '13 Going on 30' Ruffalo stars as Bruce Banner, A.K.A. The Hulk, alongside Larson as Carol Danvers, A.K.A. Captain Marvel, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Ruffalo thought the MCU was the first time he worked with Larson, as he didn't realize she was a "mean girl" in '13 Going on 30.' Mark Ruffalo. via statement Larson previously said she can vividly remember how fascinated she became by the filmmaking process because of her stint on '13 Going On 30.' Being on the film's set inspired
Larson to become a director. Brie Larson, via statement