Three lions get into an epic fight over territory in Kenyan savannah

2019-04-25 2

Incredible footage of three male lions fighting in Kenya’s Maasai Mara National Reserve.

The lengthy clip, filmed on April 17 by driver and local Maasai Jonathan Sayialel, shows two male lions attacking another one in a fight for territory and pride.

“The younger two males named Maridadi and Kaka fought the older, more experienced lion Ololparpit. If he had lost the battle, Maridadi and Kaka would have almost certainly killed the young cubs in the pride to bring the females back for mating,” the filmer told Newsflare.

Ololparpit survived the attack but is in "bad shape," Sayialel said.

The footage also appears to show Ololparpit calling out for his partner Obarnoti after the fight.

Ololparpit in Maa (Maasai language) means "the one with a big black hair," Sayialel said.