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Most important task is preparing for fourth inter-Korean summit: Blue House

2019-04-25 0

노영민 "무엇보다 중요한 것은 4차 남북정상회담 준비"

Presidential chief of staff, Noh Young-min, pointed out, the most important task at hand... is preparing for a fourth Seoul-Pyeongyang summit.
He was speaking in a meeting held by the special committee on the implementation of inter-Korean agreements.
The session was held in line with the upcoming one-year anniversary of the April 27th summit in Panmunjeom.
Noh emphasized the historic event helped kickstart diplomacy with regime and helped lower tensions.
But he also highlighted, it's only the first step,... as such, there's still a long road ahead.
He called on officials to do their best to make progress on the agreements reached in the Panmunjeom and Pyeongyang declarations.