Narendra Modi vs Mamata Banerjee: Who is subverting polls in West Bengal? Elections 2019

2019-04-24 13

West Bengal has a long history of political violence one that has lasted decades many had hoped that the much touted parivartan or change that Mamata Banerjee had promised the people of the state. When she came to power in 2011 would include ridding the state of the endemic violence. It had seen under the left regime but today many say the political violence in West Bengal is far worse than was the case earlier. The panchayat elections last year saw widespread violence in recent years. There have been a rash of political murders with the LEFT the BJP the Congress and the Trinamool itself losing party workers the ongoing Lok Sabha election has witnessed violence in each of the 3 phases held so far just yesterday in the 3rd phase of polling 3 people were killed one of them a Congress worker another a polling agent the third a 56 year old man who had come to cast his vote and got caught in the crossfire as crude bombs were hurled during clashes between TMC and Congress workers. While the Congress, the BJP and the LEFT all blame the Trinamool for the violence party chief and West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee says it's all a conspiracy by the BJP not only has she repeatedly lashed out at the BJP and PM Modi. She has been consistently attacking the election commission accusing it of acting as a BJP stooge after the poll panel transferred some police and electoral officers in the state not only that Mamata is now accusing the central security forces deployed in the state during the polls of intimidating voters and pressurizing them to vote for the BJP the BJP too repeatedly attacked Mamata. Just today while addressing a rally in the state PM Modi said speed breaker, Didi, as he likes to call Mamata. Is so worried about losing her throne that she has unleashed violence in the state through her party goons and not allowing free and fair elections in West Bengal. While this may be a very bitter and fiercely contested election between the TMC and the BJP. The question we're asking is when will political violence end in Bengal? What happened to Mamata's promise of Poribartan? Don't the people of Bengal deserve better? and are all political parties equally guilty of perpetrating violence in the state?