'He knows where he's going' Polite delivery robot waits patiently to cross the road in UK

2019-04-23 27

One resident of Milton Keynes, UK spotted an autonomous delivery robot waiting patiently to cross the road in a suburban area yesterday (April 22).

Even though there is no oncoming traffic, it waits patiently scanning its surroundings to make sure the coast is clear then advances to its next destination.

The device, which has been developed by a company called "Starship" is trialling the tech in the Buckinghamshire town for local parcel deliveries.

The filmer said: "[I've] seen them before, they’ve been around for a while now.

"Starship is using them here probably because the majority of Milton Keynes is accessible by pathways and they deliver most things!

"It’s funny watching them navigate around and wait to cross roads.

"They seem to be growing in popularity too as I see a lot more of them."