Trump Sues Democrats to Block Subpoena for Financial Information

2019-04-22 6

Trump Sues Democrats to Block
Subpoena for Financial Information The complaint is filed against Elijah Cummings,
democratic chairman of the House Committee
on Oversight and Reform (HCOR). Trump's lawsuit is in response to the
HCOR’s recent probe into his financial records. The HCOR subpoenaed the accounting firm Mazars
in early April, requesting their financial documents
related to Trump that span from 2011-2019. Cummings stated the subpeona was prompted
by Michael Cohen’s testimony, in which he
accused Trump of false financial disclosure. Trump’s suit seeks to have the subpoena
declared “invalid and unenforceable,”
claiming it is an “unpreceded abuse of power.” The Trump Organization,
via Statement The suit also asks for a
temporary restraining order
prohibiting Mazars from providing
the committee’s requested information.