KITA, OKTA vow to help S. Korea's SMEs export more goods and services

2019-04-22 0

한국무역협회•월드옥타, 수출초보 중소기업 지원 업무협약

The Korea International Trade Association has signed a deal that could help smaller companies here sell more overseas.
The MOU is with the World Federation of Overseas Korean Traders Association, which has a combined 7-thousand members in 21 countries.
According to the trade ministry in Seoul,... this will help Korea's small and medium sized companies find buyers and markets, and the association will serve as an export agency.
The trade association will choose 20 companies this year and one hundred by 2021 to help them become local trading firms.
The ministry said the agreement will enable Korean SMEs to enter overseas markets more easily and create an extra one-point-seven billion U.S. dollars in exports.

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