Deputy commander of S. Korea-U.S. Combined Forces Command Choi Byung-hyuk sworn-in

2019-04-17 1

한미연합사 부사령관 취임식 "시대적 변화에 맞는 연합사 역할 기대"

The new deputy commander of the South Korea-U.S. Combined Forces Command... vowed to boost communication between the two sides... and called for better preparation for the envisioned transfer of wartime operational control.
During his swearing-in ceremony, Choi Byung-hyuk... emphasized the stability of the peninsula and Northeast Asia as a whole depends on the iron-clad alliance of the two countries.
He called for renewed emphasis on the importance of the CFC and its role in facilitating everlasting peace... as the peninsula faces a significant turning point in history... marked by a series of denuclearization talks held since last year.