This “poor" couple must be really, really suffering. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss on The Young Turks.
"Americans are falling short when it comes to saving. Even some families earning six-figures have little to no savings.
As the example of one New York City couple shows, you and your partner could be making $500,000 a year and still end up with very little besides 401(k) money.
Sam Dogen of 'Financial Samurai' breaks down the budget of two New York City-based spouses, each of whom makes $250,000 a year as a lawyer. They’re 35 years old and they have two young children. 'This one couple shared their story and I decided to anonymously highlight their reported expenses,' Dogen tells CNBC Make It, with a focus on why they end up feeling 'average' even though they’re such high earners."