Full version The Cognitive Enrichment Advantage Family-School Partnership Handbook Best Sellers

2019-04-12 1

The Cognitive Enrichment Advantage Family-School Partnership Handbook shows how families can work in partnership with teachers to help their children learn how to learn, improve academic achievement, and become effective, independent learners. The Handbook helps family members understand what their children need to know about learning to be successful in school. When parents understand how the worldview of the school may be different from the worldview about learning they share at home, they can help their children uncover the hidden rules of school and still appreciate the worldview of their families. The Handbook includes information, stories, tips, and checklists parents can use to provide mediated learning as they help their children build learning strategies based on 12 Building Blocks of Thinking (cognitive processes that lead to flexibility in thinking) and 8 Tools of Learning (processes involving feelings and motivation important in any learning experience). While designed to be used by family members in partnership with teachers using the CEA classroom approach, the Handbook can also be used by family members without teacher participation. CEA Teachers find the Family-School Partnership Handbook helpful in understanding their role in the classroom.