About For Books Now What?: How a Gap Year of International Internships Prepared Me for College,

2019-04-09 1

Forget the old concept of going straight from high school to college to work. Through her firsthand perspective, gap year girl Monika Lutz shows you how to intern around the world, earn college credit, and experience an Ivy-League education in a non-traditional way-all for less than the price of a full year at a state school. Now What? provides firsthand examples to show students: How to win high-profile internships without any college experience How to plan and pay for a gap year without depending on Mom and Dad How to find professional, academic, and personal success by taking a gap year How to avoid and overcome common gap year challenges including travel complications, personal-safety threats, immigration problems, unemployment, spiritual issues, and loneliness. You read about Monika in The Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, and more. Now, get the full story. Now What? takes readers along on Monika s six-country gap year journey from college rejection, to jungle huts, to high-fashion houses, to the US Congress in order to break through the college controversy that s tearing our high schools apart. This is the full story the newspapers couldn t fit."