Report Finds More
Than 47,000 ‘Structurally
Deficient’ Bridges in US According to a recent report by
the American Road and Transportation
Builders Association (ARTBA), four out of ten bridges in the U.S.
need to be replaced or repaired. The report also found that a total of
235,020 U.S. bridges need structural repair. 47,052 of those bridges
that are considered “structurally deficient”
and in need of urgent care. These numbers are down by about 7,000
from 2017, because the Federal Highway
Administration loosened their definition
of “structurally deficient.” Some of the most notable bridges deemed
“structurally deficient” are the Brooklyn Bridge
in New York, the Memorial Bridge in D.C.
and Florida’s Pensacola Bay Bridge. Alison Black, chief economist for ARTBA,
believes the need for repairs is due to a
lack of federal funding. Alison Black, via NPR Repairs would take an estimated
80 years to complete and cost $171 billion.