Road to peace: how S. Korea, U.S. can move forward with N. Korea's denuclearization talks

2019-04-08 1

다가오는 한미정상회담, 멈춰선 비핵화 대화에 돌파구 찾을 수 있을까

Denuclearization talks between Pyeongyang and Washington have been deadlocked since the Hanoi summit ended without an agreement.
With Presidents Moon and Trump set to meet later this week,... our Kan Hyeong-woo tells us how the allies will try to move things along.
How to move forward in the denuclearization dialogue with North Korea will be one of the most closely watched topics at the upcoming Moon-Trump summit in Washington.
Seoul has been clear that North Korea and the United States need to do more to turn a small deal into a good enough deal.
But Washington, according to Reuters, tried to get a "big deal" that does everything all at once -- lifting all sanctions if North Korea gives up all of its nuclear weapons.
Experts say Presidents Moon and Trump will try this week to find common ground, but it'll take time for them to find a way forward.
"They'll try to resolve these different ideas South Korea and the U.S. have about North Korea's denuclearization and show that the alliance remains strong."
When the first-ever meeting between a North Korean leader and a sitting U.S. President took place in June 2018,... they agreed that the Korean Peninsula should be denuclearized.
They also agreed to establish new peaceful relations, to provide a security guarantee for the regime and to repatriate American soldiers who died in the Korean War.
But the only thing on that list to be checked off so far is the repatriations.
For the rest of the year, there was little progress on the nuclear issue.
Kim and Trump met again this February in Hanoi only to confirm their differences and leave without a deal.
This Thursday, North Korea will hold the first meeting of the 14th Supreme People's Assembly,... so eyes will be on what Kim Jong-un is going to say about denuclearization talks with the U.S.
Kan Hyeong-woo, Arirang News