Images Neighborhood of Barracas - Buenos Aires 1977

2019-04-07 1

Bs. As .: Short close-ups taken from a moving car showing the formation of a train of the General Roca Railroad in movement and vehicles transiting Dr. Ramon Carrillo street; then on Vieytes street you can see the fronts of the houses and the people walking along the sidewalk. Short close-ups taken from a moving car where the front wheel of the car is seen circulating on a cobbled street (paving stones), in front of the buildings, cars parked in the street, trees, fronts of some factories and homes, in front of the premises of integral furnishing of offices, poster of housing for sale, people walking on the sidewalk, railway bridge and wheels of a collective in motion during its tour of the Barracas neighborhood. General views of cars, trucks and trucks circulating through Brandsen and Pinedo streets, in the Barracas neighborhood. Images of the closed gate of the loading beach of the Sola Station, of the General Roca Railroad, there is also a panoramic view of the beach with the sheds. Short close-ups taken from a moving car where the traffic of vehicles can be observed on Avenida de Mayo. (Without sound)
Date: 1977
Duration: 4 minutes 14 seconds
Code of the film: C-01306

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