Samajwadi Party President Akhilesh Yadav’s wife Dimple Yadav is all set to file her nomination papers from Kannauj Lok Sabha Seat today. Party President Akhilesh Yadav and other senior leaders are accompanying Dimple Yadav to Kannauj. He said that after filing papers, dimple would address a public meeting in the town. Polling for the Kannauj Lok Sabha Seat will be held in the fourth phase on April 29. Dimple Yadav was first elected unopposed from Kannauj Lok Sabha Seat in the Bypoll in 2012. The bypoll was necessitated after Akhilesh Yadav, who was also elected from Firozabad, quit the Kannauj seat. Dimple Yadav was re-elected from Kannauj in the 2014 Lok Sabha Election, defeating her nearest BJP rival Subrat Pathak by a thin margin of 12,000 votes.