Case Study: Alex was struggling with the invisibility of work and performance of Remote Teams

2019-04-04 6

Alex was the owner of Mr. Park, who have teams operating from multiple locations so it was difficult for him to look over them. He hired managers for his offices to analyze the working of the team but his purpose didn’t resolve with that as there were no proper updates of the work, lack of transparency thus he moved his steps towards technology and found DeskTrack.

DeskTrack with its beauty of transparency, visualize the performance of individuals according to their working style. With its analytic app, he kept himself updated for everything i.e. time they in/out, automated timesheet for work, recording of idle and meeting hours. With the insight detail of their work, Alex was able to identify the inefficient practices and converting into an efficient one.

Alex is able to increase the productivity of the team by 40% and focusing more on increasing the profits rather than the reporting as everything is in his hand.

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