Congress party has guaranteed to scrap the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET), which has for some time been a subject of debate, particularly in Tamil Nadu. "The NEET examination is oppressive against understudies from specific States. What's more, it meddles with the State Government's entitlement to concede understudies domiciled in the State to restorative schools in that State. Henceforth, we will take measures to get rid of the NEET examination and substitute it with a State-level examination of proportionate standard, endorsed by the capable specialist for admission to restorative schools in that State," the gathering's declaration discharged on Tuesday said. The guarantee to scrap the restorative selection test was made by Congress partner DMK, just as adversary AIADMK in their proclamations that were discharged a week ago. NEET has been a consuming issue in TN for quite a while now. Late previous Chief Minister Jayalalithaa had guaranteed that NEET was not forced on understudies in the state amid her residency. In any case, after her passing, the decision AIADMK has not figured out how to get an exception for TN understudies from NEET.