Theresa May to ask EU for further extension

2019-04-03 1

Only ten days remain until Brexit is supposed to happen, but British Parliament remains stuck in a political deadlock.
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We hear the UK's Prime Minister has been speaking...
Well Mark, after British MPs failed to find a way out of the Brexit crisis, British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Tuesday that she will ask the EU for an extension to the Brexit deadline to like she said, "break the log jam".
May also offered to meet opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn to agree a plan on Britain's future relationship with the EU.
But she also made it clear that she will stick with her withdrawal agreement, which was voted down last week, as part of the deal.
Responding to her offer, Corbyn said he was "very happy" to meet with May and he recognizes his "responsibility" to meet with her.
It's likely Corbyn will demand the three motions the Labour Party strongly supported for the second round of indicative votes, which were a customs union, common market 2.0, and a second referendum, be recognized in any deal.
But this move to bring Corbyn into the Brexit talks has angered some Brexit hardliners in May's Conservative Party.
For example, MP Jacob Rees-Mogg, said "I think getting the support of a known Marxist is not likely to instill confidence in Conservatives".
The timing of the May-Corbyn meeting has yet to be decided, but if they cannot come up with a deal, Britain could crash out of the EU on April 12th.

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