Peak Bloom Is Next Week for Cherry Blossoms in Washington, D.C.

2019-04-02 3

Peak Bloom Is Next Week for Cherry Blossoms in Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. is preparing for the bestsign of spring: cherry blossom season. The National Cherry Blossom Festivallasts from March 20 to April 14. It celebrates the 3,000 cherry trees gifted in 1912to Washington, D.C. from the mayor of Tokyo. While the festival lasts almost a month,peak bloom weekend is extra special. With warm temperatures forecast forthe last week of March, peak bloomsare expected starting April 1. No worries if a trip to D.C. isn't on your calendar. There are plenty of other placesto see cherry blossoms in 2019! The International Cherry Blossom Festival in Macon, GA, attracts thousands of people every year. This year, festivities celebrating the 350,000 Yoshino cherry trees will be held at Macon's Central City Park from March 22-31 .