This is the amusing moment a man used his baby to play an April Fool's Day trick on his long-term girlfriend.
Leon Colley prepared the mean prank by writing the words "Will you marry daddy?" on the front of his baby daughter Felicity's baby grow.
The clip shows Felicity lying on her back wearing the top.
When Leon's girlfriend Danielle walks into the room, she sees the message and can't believe he's finally popped the question.
"Are you serious?" she asks.
"Yes, so will you?" Leon replies.
But when poor Danielle picks up Felicity, she sees the back of the baby grow bearing the words: "April Fool."
“She’d been dropping hints for weeks before the prank, but I love winding her up so I thought I’d give it a go!” Leon told Newsflare.
The clip was filmed in Pontefract back in 2016 but happily, the pair are now finally engaged and that's not an April Fool.